Above the Fold Wiki

Above the Fold generates reporters with random stats and names, that you can hire and assign stories to.

Reporter Stats

  • Skill = A reporter's raw talent, applied to any story they work on. This number never changes.
  • Level = Works the same as Talent, but increases once per in-game year, as the reporter gets more experience or when they are the top story reporter in an Award Winning issue.
  • Happiness = Percentage based, also determines how much of their skill and level is applied towards their work.
  • Political bias = Reporters have their own beliefs, which will influence the stories they write.
  • Likes = Reporters have 0-3 genres they prefer to write about. The produce better work and gain happiness when working on such stories.
  • Dislikes = Reporters have 0-2 genres they dislike. They produce sub par work and lose happiness when working on these.

See Also
